If you want to make new friends and broaden your interests, then you might want to look at Northallerton u3a.
We are people of like minds coming together to learn, have fun and share life experiences. This could be for you if you are not in full time employment and have time to enjoy life to the full.
Our u3a is a registered charity (number 1024442), run entirely by volunteers. We draw on the knowledge, experience and skills of our own membership to organise and provide interest groups in accordance with the wishes of the membership. We have monthly talks and, several times a year, outings to places of interest.
Our approach to learning is.. LEARNING FOR PLEASURE. There is no accreditation, no validation, no assessments and no qualifications.
We offer a wide programme of activities from Monday to Friday, most weeks of the year and you can do as many or as few as you wish.
If you want to know more, just follow the headings on the navigation bar at the top of this website to see what we have to offer and then contact us if you would like to know more.
Or call in at The Forum and look for our noticeboards at the far end of the foyer which have further information.
Northallerton u3a is is part of the Third Age Trust which is the representative body for u3a's in the UK.